

Malkurs Kinder

(from ca. 5 yrs)
Monday from 16.00 – 17.00
Eine Stunde 8.-€ (fünf Termine 35,- €)

Sky red and marine yellow
We paint, play and experiment with colors,
Sand and earth and hear the story of the
„Queen of Colors.“
Then we want to let the brush dance. We are painting
for music, feel red and smell yellow and leave
Daddy’s car is flying!


(ab ca. 9 Jahre)
Tuesday from 16.30 – 18.00
Ein Termin 12,- € (fünf Termine 55,- €)

Small pictures, big pictures, huge pictures –
Paint stories, paint dreams like
the great artists!
In the center are your joy of experimenting,
your imagination and your pleasure in presenting.

We are using oil crayons, ink, gouaches,
Paint acrylic and watercolor paints and different
Try painting techniques.
We play, make fantasies and dive in
the wonder world of colors.

For further courses please ask.

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