
  • born and grown up in Hamburg
  • vocational study for design – painting and illustration (HAW Hamburg Department Design)
  • creativity coach
  • education art and shaping therapist (APAKT HH)
  • giving courses since 2004 in Nordfriesland, Germany
  • project works with children and teenagers
  • member of
    VG Bild-Kunst

Since a couple of years I live on the countryside in Nordfriesland. With the forrest in the back and the northern sea in view I found myself an inspiring place to live and work. It is here where I paint, write, and craft things out of iron, ceramic and paper.

Doing this, I am fascinated by people and their stories. People that make their way no matter what and encourage others.
Living in the middle of nature, formed through wind, weather and the years passing by, these materials and impressions are used within my work. In paper objects, paintings and collages I process various text, poems and stories – sometimes with found objects and sometimes with illustrations.


04/2010 Kulturbrücke/kulturbro, Skærbæk DK

03/2011 Kunstnerhus Skærbæk DK

07/2011 Augustenborg Slot, Kornlager, Augustenborg DK

09/2011 Rathaus Flensburg, Flensburg

05/2012 Kunstpunkte – Rathaus Husum, Husum

07/2012 KIS Søgård Lejren, Åbenrå DK

06/2012 Amt Südtondern, Niebüll

08/2012 Kunstsommer Charlottenhof Klanxbüll

11/2012 Werkstattausstellung Silke Lazarevic, Husum

03/2013 Kunstraum Linda Hamkens, Witzwort

04/2013 30 Gemeinden- Amt Südtondern, Niebüll

05/2013 Kunstraum Christiansburg, Bredstedt

06/2013 KIS Søgård, Åbenrå DK

09/2013 Kulturstation Zollhäuser, Rodenæs

10/2013 Augustiania Skulpturenpark, Det røde palæ, DK

11/2013 Graukloster Schleswig, Schleswig

11/2013 Kunstnerhus, Skærbæk, DK

11/2013 Werkstattausstellung, Husum, Silke Lazarevic

05/2014 Kunstraum Christiansburg, Bredstedt

09/2014 Kultur21 Festival, Husum, NordseeCongressCentrum

11/2014 Mare Intim, Schifffahrtsmuseum, Flensburg

01/2015 MareIntim, Museum Sønderjylland, Åbenrå DK

11/2015 Kunstnerhus Skærbæk DK

09/2016 Grenzland, Flandernbunker, Kiel

01/2017 Grenzland, Augustenborg, Det roede palae, DK

07/ 2018 BBK -SH, offene Sommerateliers, Kunstraum Christiansburg

03/ 2021 Weltkulturerbe, Tag der Druckkunst, Kunstraum Christiansburg,

07/ 2021 BBK- SH,  offene Sommerateliers, Kunstraum Christiansburg, Bredstedt

03/ 2023 Weltkulturerbe, Tag der Druckkunst, Kunstraum Christiansburg, Bredstedt

02/2024 DAS SIND WIR! Carlsart 78, GALERIE Carlshöhe, Eckernförde

03/ 2024 Weltkulturerbe, Tag der Druckkunst, Kunstraum Christiansburg, Bredstedt

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